Training and Living the Center for Humane Living Way

The Dojang is the place where we cleanse and enrich our minds and bodies. This enrichment can only be accomplished in an environment that is replete with feelings of respect, gratitude, right attitude, and positive mutual support.

A Vital Point is a pressure sensitive point on the surface of the human body. They allow you to use pain to influence the actions and reactions of an opponent. By practicing and understanding vital point strikes, your power can be 3-5X more effective.

CHL offers an innovative martial arts curriculum through the Physical Art of Soo Bahk Do/Tang Soo Do aimed at the development of fitness, physical self-defense skills and the beauty and art of transcendent movement.​

Hyung (forms or Kata) are used in Tang Soo Do in order to practice certain martial arts techniques performed in ritualized patterns where students combine various strikes, kicks stances and blocks. Performance of these forms help aid in physical conditioning, muscle memory, focus and concentration.

One Step Sparring is a controlled scenario that helps students develop proper technique and know how to react in a real life situations. Partnered with another individual, students perform a self defense technique in one step. At CHL, there are 20 basic specific one step counter techniques that are taught.

At CHL, the education provided to our "Little Dragons" (pre-school and kindergarten age group) includes Zen philosophy, life and relationship skills, and leadership development. Utilizing an innovative approach to teaching the martial arts; our instructors aim to provide a supportive and encouraging environment.

At the Center for Humane Living, one of our philosophical approaches on how to effectively navigate dealing with a bully is thru teaching the “12 ways”. These responses aim to teach that although you cannot control a bully, you can control your OWN RESPONSE. Utilizing role-play scenarios, our goal is to build confidence and empower our students to deal with challenges.

Whether you are an Event Chair, Committee Leader, Black Belt Mentor, or simply a part of the team, please review this list below so that you may refresh yourself on some of the basic CHL Event & Program Protocols.

Watch the CHL "Understanding Sexual Harassment at The Center for Humane Living" Video.